Monday, March 24, 2008

Still Pregnant

No, this blog lapse does not mean I had the baby and forgot to tell anybody. I just had a busy weekend. Kelly did too, as he had some make up work to do since he had missed a couple of days of work last week due to a cold. Fortunately he was able to bring it home and do it.

I saw the midwife on Saturday morning and everything still looks pretty good. She's still a little concerned about the baby's position. Baby is head down so that's fine, but she's got her shoulders turned just like Lauryn did which caused a painful back labor. We are praying she turns to a better position before labor begins. Next Saturday the midwives come to my house for my appointment - for a home birth, that means you are getting really close!

Saturday night we were getting ready for Easter. That afternoon I cleaned and polished the white dress shoes. As usual, we prepared Sunday breakfast right after supper. The girls and I pulled out all the dresses and the girls had an early shower. While pulling out dresses, etc., I discovered that nearly all the girls needed new tights, so I had to make another quick dash to Walmart while Kelly bathed the younger girls. I also set out hair bows so I wouldn't be scrambling in the morning.

After showers, Kelly cleaned and trimmed fingernails and toenails, and I painted all the girls' nails - a Smith family Easter tradition. What else do you do with a house full of girls? We also changed earrings to match, and tried as best we could to gather everything we would need.
Here's our beautiful gaggle of girls right before we left for church.

Easter service at church was wonderful, as always. We had a light bite to eat right after church and then went to a friends' house for a big meal later in the afternoon. The kids hunted Easter eggs and had a great time.

I love the traditional Easter greeting:

He is risen!

He is risen, indeed!

1 comment:

Kim said...

So beautiful!

I tagged you on my blog!