Sunday, June 10, 2007

100th blog entry!

Wow! This is my 100th blog entry. Who knew I could be so long winded? (OK, hush up, you guys! No smirking or laughing allowed!)

I've seen a tradition to post 100 things about yourself on this occasion. I had such trouble coming up with 7 Random Things lately, that I have decided to be a rebel and break with tradition. You know that I am really a rebel at heart, right? Actually, at first I did write out a blog entry, thinking I would write 100 things about our family and the various members thereof. However, I soon realized that (1.) I still couldn't come up with 100 things, and (2.) that no one would want to read such a boring list. Really, our lives are taken up with work, school lessons, friends, dolls, horses, books, etc. And while we enjoy it, it doesn't exactly make for scintillating reading. Really, anything that would be remotely interesting about us doesn't belong on a public blog! ;)

I have been making progress this week on school planning. I know once my friends from Germany get here later in the week (see my previous post), we will be on vacation, so to speak, from anything responsible like lesson plans. So I have been going over books lists this week to see what I can use from the San Antonio library and what I will need/want to buy for our history and literature needs this year. I was trying to whittle this last list down some, as I have three studying history this year on three different reading levels. And there are just too many good books! OK, so that's not possible, but I am trying NOT to give my husband a heart attack when he sees how much I am going to spend on books. :) So I am trying to concentrate my money on what we'd like to keep around the house and on holes from the library system (it seems to be a little lacking on certain aspects of history, especially those blatantly Christian like the Reformation). Personally, I don't care whether I have a book about Marco Polo around the house, so I am trying to use the library sources for those types of books.

So I've checked out or have on hold 30-40 books to peruse to see if I can use them instead of the recommended books in Tapestry. Unfortunately, some of the books I had hoped to use from the library aren't suitable. I checked out one book about the Mayflower, which was beautiful. The pictures were taken from the reproduction Mayflower II with actors dressed in period clothing, recreating many scenes we know happened from the many journals and records we have of the time. Unfortunately, it was more than a little slanted toward revisionist history: here the evil white people come to destroy the peace and balance of the natives who lived in harmony with the land for hundreds of years. Blah, blah, blah. Sigh. So we will not be using this book. I'd rather spend the money on a good book, than let them read garbage. But I do wish I could cut the pictures out and save them...

And a few quick updates: Brynna's leg is much better. She just a few more doses of medicine and then we are done. Lauryn was bitten yesterday by fire ants, but they don't appear to be doing the same thing, so I am relieved. Still not sure what bit Brynna - Kelly thinks it was a spider.

My MIL is doing very well. She is feeling good and has great range of motion. She continues to get stronger. Unfortunately, she still has one drain that is still collecting too much fluid. This means that it can't be removed yet, which means she can't drive yet or return to work.

My father has been having some trouble with his gall bladder in recent years, but it gotten so bad that the doctors believe he needs it removed. They expect to schedule a laparoscopic procedure after an ultrasound of it on Tuesday. We are just praying that he doesn't have an attack so acute that they have to cut it out sooner as this will be a much harder surgery to recover from.

May everyone have a blessed Sunday... unless you are a Cleveland Cavaliers fan! ;-)

1 comment:

Cottle Clan Dobermans said...

Guess what I did this weekend? Got bit by a fire ant(2 this time) and guess what I have again? lol I give up! My Dr is out of town and I refuse to pay the er copay so I have been nursing it like crazy. I realize I shouldn't hate anything, but umm I do. I HATE fire ants!!!