Monday, May 7, 2007

I've been tagged

Cathi over At Granny's House has tagged me with a Random 7 meme. So here are 7 random things about little ol' me.

  • I am absolutely, positively, completely and utterly TERRIFIED of snakes. I had an incident as a child and now I cannot even watch the slithery things on tv. As a matter of fact, writing about them is making my back crawl right now!
  • When I was 18 I spent 3 weeks in Kiev, Ukraine on a mission trip. I also spent a few days in Moscow on the way in and out. This was in '92, right after the USSR disintegrated but the infrastructure had not been replaced. At the time the only way to fly to a city like Kiev was to fly into a main city like Moscow and the fly Aeroflat, the Soviet (now Russian) airlines within the former Soviet block. Aeroflat was, ahem, highly unreliable and unsafe, so we took a train from Moscow to Kiev and back three weeks later. We had old-timey berth rooms, with four bunks that swung down from the walls. Actually, the swaying of the train made for quite a soothing night's sleep.
  • The town I grew up in had 2 high schools: the one good in football (you might have heard of us) and the other was the "AP" high school. They got all the AP classes to help students take AP and CLEP tests to get college credit. They really lorded this academic superiority over us. But our senior year, guess who had the last laugh? Not only did our school have more 5's on the AP tests (that's the highest score you could get) than they did, but there was only one National Merit Finalist in the whole town. Yep, it boggled my mind. A reporter even came out to my house to interview me, and he brought a photographer to take a picture of me. It ran as the lead story in the education section with a 3x5 color picture.
  • Even though I am also scared of heights, I have always wanted to go parasailing. (I know, that's alot of fears. But I am also almost as claustrophobic as I am scared of snakes, so I really don't like small elevators in high rise buildings! And you can bet I will never, EVER watch Snakes on a Plane!)
  • I just don't "get" scrap booking. While I think the finished are products are very cute, I can not imagine spending the hours it would take to accomplish them. In fact, I can't even manage to keep up with putting pictures in a plain Jane photo album with the slots! Those of you who think I have every inch of my life organized, filed, and indexed, DON'T LOOK in the armoire in my bedroom, or all the pictures that need to be put in an album might fall over on top of you! Thank goodness for digital cameras that allow you to copy the images onto cd!
  • I think it is absolutely amazing how many problems that Dr. Pepper and chocolate (dark, of course) will solve.
  • When I am sick I love to watch the appendices of the Lord of the Rings Trilogy. In fact if Kelly comes home from work and I am laying on the couch watching one, he doesn't ask, "are you sick?" He just asks, "What am I making for supper?"
And since "granny" managed to tag nearly my entire blog list, I'll just add June and Lora.

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