Of course construction has traffic backed up at a time when the traffic is normally pretty clear. And then the suburban beeps at me to let me know I am low of fuel. Of course. I looked and was pretty sure I had enough to get to the doctor's office. There's a gas station not too far I could hit after. So I thought we were OK.
I finally turn into the parking lot with 10 minutes to spare. But then I hear a funny noise coming from behind me. I turned to look and saw Lauryn getting sick all over herself and the car seat. And of course, now that she's potty trained, I rarely take the diaper bag anywhere any more. So I had no towels, no blankets, no change of clothes, no nothing. I find a parking spot and pull in, grabbing some dried out wipes from the center console and start trying to clean her up. Her dress is hopeless, so I take it off of her. I went into the office to ask the receptionist for one of those gowns they sometimes make you change into. So that is why Lauryn walked around the doctor's office looking like this.
Remember, this is the same office that Aubrey threw up all over last week when I brought her. No telling what those ladies think of me. One poor nurse felt so bad for her that she took tape and tried to tailor this huge thing to her. She taped the back closed, taped pleats into the shoulder, and gave her a plastic belt to try to reduce the bulk. Think this will become the new style in toddler fashion?
We finally get into the waiting room, and as we are sitting there, I notice that Hailey has hives again all over her legs. So when we get back into the exam room, the doctor came in and asked what the problem was, I calmly told him that we were all falling apart. I just love our doctor because he completely understood.
(Oh, and everyone's OK. Because of Aubrey's "twitchy airways" it is just going to take her a few extra days of steroids to get over this. Lauryn evidently got car sick, and Hailey is fine with some Benedryl. Now if only chocolate didn't make me want to get sick!)
Oh Tami, you poor thing! I'm glad everyone is okay, though!
And I must say that Lauryn looks smashing in her pink gown! ;-)
Wow! All I can say as I shake my head is that you are a much braver woman than I. I would have been the one the Dr.'s would be concerned about and I would have been saying that I was falling apart and requested some sort of happy, I care not pill!
You're too late for falling apart. . . y'all are already in pieces!!!
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