Monday, January 1, 2007

A New Year, a New Blog

Yes, I have finally decided to wade into the wonderful world of blogging. I have resisted thus far, telling myself I didn't have time to do it and that I didn't have a digital camera, so it would be hard to use it to help others keep up with the kids. Well, we are planning on getting a camera soon, so I took a deep breath and here I am.

It is my hope that this blog will accomplish several things:

1. To help those of our family and friends far away to stay a part of our lives in other ways than a once-a-year Christmas card.

2. To let family and friends keep up with how the girls are progressing.

3. To shed some insight on how these crazy people (and don't deny it, I KNOW some of you have thought that about us over the years!) do it - having 3 times the number of children in the average American household AND homeschooling them.

4. To provide a place for me to write about some things that help our household run, things going on in our lives, and other fodder for discussion.

So I foresee that this will be a rather eclectic blog, with posts ranging from recipes to cute things the girls have done. I hope you'll check back often and feel free to comment. I am nowhere near as wise as some of the authors of blogs I have linked to over at the right, nor am I near as witty as others. But I have enjoyed my friends' blogs over the last several months, and I hope you'll enjoy mine as well.


Candace/Chloe said...

YAY!!!! I'm so excited,
Tami! I'll look forward to popping in on the Smith family to see what's happening! Your blog looks great! Welcome!

sis said...

woohoo! that is the cutest picture of your girls! i love it!

Cottle Clan Dobermans said...

Oh wow! Never thought I would see this day-what was it you referred to us as(those who blog) I don't remember the exact term you coined us but it was definately something dark-lol!

And yes, that picture is perfect! You can see each distinct personality in thier faces! Love it and welcome to the dark side!

Tami said...

Did I say that, Lora? :) Guess I was shooting my mouth off, as usual!

Journo June aka MamaBear said...

OK, I want to know the exact words. What DID she call us???? I love catching up with everyone this way and seeing photos of the loved ones I miss so much!

The girls are so beautiful! Can't believe how grown up they are.

Kristen said...

Hey Tami -- glad to see you gave in to peer pressure :-) We have that pic on our fridge and when it came Molly cried. We miss y'all!

Anne said...

i'm so glad you have a blog now! that pic of the girls is beautiful - can't wait to see more :-)

Tami said...

June, I honestly can't remember what I said. I vaguely remember the conversation, but we were joking around at the dinner table, I believe. Too bad Lora can't remember either - I'm sure it would be quite funny now ;)

Cottle Clan Dobermans said...

I claim pregnancy brain! Anything I forgot last year was due to being pregnant, this year I have sleep deprivation brain so don't count on me to remember anything now either lol!