Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Colds and Pirates

Now we have a houseful of sick girls. Or so it seems, anyway. Actually Brynna still seems ok, but the rest of them are laying around the living room underneath quilts. Seems to be just mild colds, but it is enough to make your head swim when you get up. So yesterday and today are movie days around here, the favorites seem to be the two Pirates of the Caribbean movies. Much as I don't like to see them feel bad, when they are only mildly sick, it makes for a rather easy day for me. They don't make messes, there are no lessons to oversee, and they are occupied with the movies.

The biggest downside is that we were supposed to host Bible study tonight. And now of course, that isn't happening. But I'm sure we will be back to our overly-busy selves soon.


Candace/Chloe said...

I SO understand, Tami! Last week, when about three of the kids were pretty sick, I went and bought three movies and we had a relaxing movie day and made Rice Crispies Treats. It was so nice NOT to have to worry about school or much of anything else.

Hope your crew feels better soon.

Cottle Clan Dobermans said...

Movie day here too. I dealt with as much as I could till I woke up sick so we are heading to the Dr. later for Jules AGAIN, but boys get a day off from school. So sorry you have this mess too!