Sunday, March 11, 2007

Sunday Sums

TODAY Hailey was sick, so I stayed home from church with her, also keeping Lauryn home as well. One of the projects I'm currently working on is a roster/directory for our church, including pictures and everything. I'm having a couple of problems though. For some reason I can't get the pictures to print on the directory pages. I'm also trying to figure out a way to hide the ages of all the adults - I have a feeling some of them might now appreciate my advertising their ages in a church wide directory! So if you are a member of our church, please be patient, I am working on it!

'TIS also the time of year for one of my most dreaded chores: folding away last season's clothes and getting out this season's. Although I must admit, getting out the spring/summer clothing is much easier than getting out the cold weather things - there's so much more flexibility in the fit of dresses and shorts than in pants. I also love that the spring/summer clothing as a rule lasts longer around here. My girls are awfully hard in the knees of pants, so I am always grateful when we can put the pants away for several months. They don't look so much like ragamuffins in the warm weather! :)

It is also quite an organizational issue to figure out exactly what clothes will fit 5 girls, ranging in ages from 10 to 2, but who are only roughly 2 years apart. This means that we basically have someone in every size from 6x to 16, plus a 3T. Add in that there is no standardization of sizes, so if a shirt says it's a 10-12, it may in actuality fit my 5 yo. So I have to do a lot of "here, try this on." Needless to say by the time I go through folding away all the cold weather stuff, sorting through t-shirts, pajamas, shorts, swimsuits, jeans, pants, Sunday dresses, everyday dresses, tops, outfits, shoes, socks, etc. and figuring what needs to be purchased - all this times 5 girls, this project usually takes me the better part of one week (or two). So once it's done I always feel a triumphant sense of completion. I know, I know, sick, huh?

THIS week and next the girls have a break from scouts - it's time for the spring break backpacking trip and as we aren't taking part of the trip, we are off. Usually we take two weeks of "spring break" from lessons: one in February, one on April. But this year my MIL is expecting to have surgery around the 1st of May, and we are trying to finish up the school year by then. So we are just taking days off here and there, but are trucking right along. I am also beginning to look ahead to what I'll need to order in the next few months. We usually start a new school year right after 4th of July, going pretty much year round from there. And I LOVE the planning and organizing of the curriculum, combing through the phone book length Rainbow Resource catalog, planning out my year. I also love to look back at what the girls have accomplished over the year nearly completed.

Kelly now has me completely hooked on Sudoku! Not a good thing! Well, I'm sure everyone will be expecting supper soon, so I better go. Enjoy the later sunlight everyone!

1 comment:

Sessa said...

I enjoyed all three posts about your school and organization. Even though we kid you, you continually inspire me. I'm so thankful for our talk time at WHM. You're precious to me. :)