Friday, March 2, 2007

Spring (and the in-laws) are on their way

This morning as we were driving home from the library, we saw the first bluebonnets of the season. Here in central/south Texas, nothing says spring like the wildflowers. I think I have a special affinity for bluebonnets, not really because they are the official flower of Texas, but because they remind me of my grandmother. My maternal loves bluebonnets. She has even planted some in her backyard, just outside the window beside her favorite chair. Every spring they take over more and more of their backyard but they are so beautiful. I can't look at a bluebonnet without thinking of Grandmama.

The wildflowers also remind me of the spring when Aubrey was 2. She couldn't say her l's yet. And she always called any yellow wildflower a "lellow bonnet."

And Kelly's parents are on their way down to San Antonio as we speak! My MIL is now on a three week rotation of chemo, and this concoction of chemo drugs in not near as hard on her body as the first round was. So she feels well enough two weeks after a treatment to come down for the weekend. Kelly's brother and family will also be joining us for the day tomorrow. This will be the first time since Thanksgiving that the grand kids have seen Kelly's parents, and the first time since she started chemo and lost her hair. My girls are very excited about seeing Granny and Granddad. We are thankful that she has something of a reprieve between treatments now.


Candace/Chloe said...

We're so thankful your MIL is doing much better! Hope you all have a wonderful time visiting!

Kristen said...

I have to admit that I do miss the bluebonnets...just seeing pics makes me homesick. It was so good to see you!!