Thursday, March 22, 2007

Illness update - yep, it's actually worse around here...

Remember when I mentioned a few posts ago about some of our kids ending up in the ER with breathing issues? Well, we almost had a repeat today. Brynna woke up with severe breathing problems, a temp of over 102, and vomiting. We stuck her in the bathroom and ran the hot water for a steam treatment. That got her stable enough that we decided to wait and take her to our regular doctor. By the time I was ready to go, Aubrey had started having problems breathing so I took her with me so the doctor could listen to her as well.

Turns out she has bronchiolitis, which he said was a type of bronchitis. Aubrey has the same thing. It's viral, so we were sent home with steroids, a nebulizer and medicine for it for both girls. Actually I got scripts for them, and had to spend the afternoon chasing down a nebulizer that I could get today and that took our insurance, but that's another story. :)

But the doctor did give us the reassuring news that it is highly contagious and should probably make its way through the whole family, especially for those who have "twitchy airways." Did I ever mention I have asthma? And all our kids seem to have "twitchy airways?" They already are coughing their heads off. And Kelly has missed 3 days of work already this week, and will probably miss tomorrow. So if you could pray that we are all able to recover quickly from this, and that no one will have any further breathing problems, especially during the night, we would all greatly appreciate it.


Kristen said...

So sorry to hear this Tami! I will pray that it leaves you quickly.

Candace/Chloe said...

We'll continue praying!

Dorothy said...

I recently found your site and have enjoyed reading all of your posts. (Especially, the homeschooling series you did on your daily schedule.) My husband and I will certainly be praying for you and your family during this time of illness.

Cottle Clan Dobermans said...

Jeesh, it just never ends. Hope this goes away quickly and that those affected are only mildly so!

Journo June aka MamaBear said...

This seems to be a pretty rough winter everywhere! We just spent a couple hours at the ER, too. Why is it always on a Friday night??? Will be praying for your gaggle of girls (and Kelly, too!) ;-)