Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Four Year-Old Woes

As I look back at yesterday's post, I realize it sounds very whiny. Which I really shouldn't do, as it really hasn't been too bad, it just seems to hang on for a long time. Now I have children (and a mommy) who thought they were over it having symptoms again.

So to get my mind off the virus(es?) going around our house, I thought I'd post something funny. I don't know if it is true universally, but 4 years old seems to be a temperamental age for girls, at least for our present 4 year old. Come to think of it, I don't remember the older three being this... dramatic, but for Hailey everything is either agony or ecstasy. She cries easily (this being the agony part). And what, you may ask, would bring a girl with a loving family, a close church community, plenty of friends, and more toys than you need to open a store with have to cry about?

Well, let's take a look at what has caused her tears lately:

  1. "My ponytail holder keeps coming out of my hair!"
  2. "I can't find my pajamas!"
  3. (When told to pick up her room) "But it's too messy!"
  4. "My dresser drawer won't open!"
  5. "My dresser drawer won't close!"
  6. "I can't stop coughing!"
  7. "I don't want to watch that movie!"
  8. "Lauryn is looking at this toy, and I'm playing with it first!"
  9. "I want to play with this toy and Lauryn won't let me!" Obviously, the who-was-playing-with-it-first rule can be applied when it is advantageous and ignored when it is not by a 4 yo.
And my personal favorite....
10."Lauryn (her 2 yo sister) won't let me wipe her nose!"

Ah, the travails of youth. I am really praying that her husband-in-training somewhere is a very patient man.


Granny said...

My favorite is number three.

Personally, I've never actually HEARD something this outrageous in my own House, but I'll take your word for it that this could possibly happen.


Tami said...

Maybe for #10 to be the favorite you had to BE here yesterday to see Lauryn, with the evidence that she needed her nose wiped running all the way down to her upper lip, running away from Hailey as fast as her little legs could chug, shaking her head furiously side-to-side and yelling, "Don' wipe me! Don' wipe me, Hai-yee!"


Stephanie said...

Ahem. My four-year-old girl is a perfectly reasonable and mellow child. No drama. No tears. No hilarious obsurdities coming from her mouth, or strange circus moves done with her body.

And before God strikes me down with lightening on this sunny day, I'd better go tend to my 4-year-old...she's, um, bawling about something, apparently, right on cue!

Tami said...

Ryan, it would probably have to be someone who hadn't KNOWN her as a child. I think otherwise her past might haunt her too much. ;)