Thursday, April 26, 2007

One of those mornings

It started off with something from the "girls can be just as gross as boys" file:

As I'm throwing on my make-up this morning, I hear my four year old wailing. As this is not an unusual occurrence and it didn't last too long, I finished up what I was doing. When I came out of my room, Kora looks at me with a thoroughly disgusted look on her face.

"Hailey had the potty seat around her neck and it got stuck. So I had to help her get it off."

FYI, this is the potty training seat insert that we set on the toilet for Lauryn to sit on when the need arises. Can anyone say, "Eeeeeeeeeeew!"

When Hailey came back downstairs, I asked her why she had the potty seat on her head to begin with, and she told me, "Brynna put it on me." I didn't even bother to ask WHY Hailey had just stood there and let her.

Me to Brynna: "Why did you put the potty seat on Hailey's head?"

Brynna: "'Cause I didn't know it would get stuck."


From there (after some hot water and soap) we had to eat and go to a 9:30 doctor's appointment. We left the house before 9, and arrived at the office at 9:15. At 10:10, we were shown back to the exam room. Thus far it hadn't been too bad. We always know this doctor runs late, so I had everyone pack books, plus the office has a few toys, and has the Disney channel playing in the waiting room.

The exam room has none of those perks. By this time the children are read out and are tired of sitting. The tiny exam room does not have enough seats for 5 children plus Mommy. Did I mention that 3 of our kids are sick? Lauryn is the sickest, and was at her fussiest best. Between trying to keep her from crawling all over the furniture, under the furniture, over her sisters, etc., and keeping the kids who don't want to do anything but lie down pacified, I was a little frazzled.

By 10:45 I was seriously debating about even trying to keep getting onto Lauryn and trying to get her to settle down and behave. After all, I know she doesn't feel good. And if the kids are bad enough and loud enough, maybe they'll hurry up and see us so we can LEAVE! Is trying to set a good example of a larger family really more important?

Finally the doc shows up at 10:55. And leaves at 10:57. No joke. We were in the suburban at 11:03. Nearly 2 hours waiting for a 2 minute consultation. Sigh. I think trying to keep ill children under control and waiting for a really long time is probably some sort of Chinese torture device.

Fortunately there is always Dr. Pepper and chocolate.

Oh, and Brynna's legs are still doing well. After all that, they'd better be. :)


Candace/Chloe said...

I hope the rest of your day was better! Oooooo, Dr. Pepper and chocolate, now THAT sounds great right about now!!!

Kim said...

While I was on the phone with my mom today my 8 year old brother got his finger stuck in a coke bottle. My mom asked why he put it in there since he got a finger stuck yesterday. He said he didn't know THAT finger would get stuck!

Journo June aka MamaBear said...

Wow, at first I thought you were going to say that the firemen had to come get the potty off. They just had a story about a kid doing that on Fox news earlier today. Oh, wait, that might have been in England. LOL