Thursday, April 12, 2007

Potty Thoughts

The more children a mother has, the easier most things become. You get lots of practice on the first one, make your mistakes on her, and the rest of them are a breeze.

At least that's the theory.

Actually, there is a lot of truth to that, at least in my experience. When I get comments like, "I don't know how you do it, " I often think, logistically 5 isn't that much harder than 3 or 4. Especially as my oldest one get old enough to really be of some help. But one area of motherhood gets harder the more you have, at least in my humble opinion.

Potty training.

This is such a time consuming task for me that it gets harder with the increased number of demands. It doesn't help that I really don't mind changing diapers, never have. I do mind paying for them, however. And even experienced moms can feel a little pressure. (I know you moms of teenagers are laughing at me calling myself an experienced mom, and with a 10 year old girl I do realize that we are approaching territory unknown. But I am firmly at home with toddlerhood.)

So I look at my 2 1/2 year old and think, "I am such a sluggard, not working with her before now." I see all the other 2 year olds potty trained, and tell myself I am a bad mom.

So we pull out the cloth training pants and start potty training. And I am wondering at the end of day one, "What was I thinking?"

Since all girls get candy every time Lauryn has a success, this feeling is not shared by the rest of the family however. I've found this promotes a general good attitude of helpfulness and excitement on the part of the older sisters. I should have stocked up on chocolate for myself. :)

And then I think, how do moms of twins do it?


Kristen said...

**sigh** Now Tami, why did you have to go a post this? I was trying to put off potty-training as long as possible (kindergarten, maybe?) and now I have guilt. I hate it too, think its worse than childbirth. Or getting wisdom teeth pulled. Or listening to Sanjaya. I'm just waiting for a good warm stretch where Carrie can stay 1/2 naked all day, then I start. I think.

Tami said...

Unfortunately, the good long stretches of warm weather come earlier in the year here. That's why I have guilt.

Kim said...

I just turned the heat up a bit (since we don't pay for it anyway), although Andrew wouldn't mind if I didn't. He is so warm blooded and hates his clothes anyway.

My aunt had to potty train twins. Although since she had a boy and a girl I don't think she really worked with them together. Her boy was NOT interested whatsoever, so she just trained the girl instead. Eventually he decided he wanted to use the potty...

Journo June aka MamaBear said...


I think we would all agree that you ARE an experienced mom. You've been doing it for a decade and with lots of girls. So I'm not laughing at you. I'm admiring your strength and ability as a mom. Many first time moms would be wise to look to you as an example.

Why make it a battle if they aren't ready? It's so much easier if you wait until they show interest. My kids were older and we never had a single accident so I considered it worth the wait. ;-)

Hugs from Colorado!

Tami said...

I totally agree with you, June about waiting until they are ready. But that would be the problem. She has been showing interest for weeks, has all the signs of one ready to shed the diaper stage. I've been the one putting it off. It hasn't really been a battle so much as it just consumes all my time when the older ones are still needing help with discipline, school and hobbies. And today is going much better, no accidents so far.

Thanks for the kind words. I must say though that this puberty stuff has me feeling like a newbie. Sigh. I'm sure there will be many days when I will look back wishing potty training was all I had to deal with.