Friday, April 20, 2007

A rose by Any Other Name...

Our kids are not overly picky eaters, for which I am very grateful, but they each have a couple of things they don't like. Hailey doesn't like gravy. She refuses to eat gravy on anything I make, white or brown.

A few weeks ago, I made what in my family we call "Granny's Meat Patties," a dish named after Kelly's grandmother. It's meat that simmers in a sauce, and is served with mashed potatoes (a good comfort food kind of meal). Hailey has always refused the gravy, either on her potatoes or extra on her meat. Well, this meal I told her, "but Hailey, this isn't gravy, this is sauce. Do you want to try some sauce?" Sure enough she did, and she told me that she "really liked the sauce."

Well, on Easter I made a roast, complete with brown gravy made from the drippings. Kelly was quick to say after prayer, "Hailey do you want some sauce on your meat today?" Sure enough she did, and liked that sauce too.

Last night I made a soup that has sliced mushrooms in it. Mushrooms are one of the few other things Hailey doesn't like, but my husband was up to the challenge.

Kelly: "Hailey, Mama used toadstools in this soup. You ought to try them, I think you'll like them."

Hailey (smiling): "Okay." (Tries the mushrooms.) "I like toadstools!"

Kelly and I were trying to hide our amusement all supper long. Kora and Aubrey weren't doing such a good job hiding theirs. Now, I wonder if I can convince Kora, who can't stand macaroni and cheese, that it's really "pasta with cream sauce"??? Somehow I don't think that one will fly. :)


Kim said...

That's hilarious! I wonder what other name I can come up with for corn.....

Neal Schneider said...

What a wonderful, creative way to package the idea of trying other foods! Are you sure that Hailey is not a long lost sibling of my kids?

We have added veggie 'garnish' to Daniel's food for years. I just chop the veggie of choice into little bits, add to a casserole or sauce and stir.

You might try a foreign name for the Mac and Cheese. In German, I guess it would be Kaese and Spaetzel. (The ae says the long a.)

Good Luck!

Tami said...

Yes, Vivian, your creative ways to hide veggies anywhere and every where still inspires me! I love it - "garnish"!

Unfortunately, I think Kora is too old for it to work on her. But there is still hope for Brynna and Hailey.

Kim, what about "maize"?

Tiffany said...

LOL, that is so great! I told Piper that scrambled eggs were like little chickens back when she refused to eat them, now she cant get enough. And we call fresh baby spinach "leaves", Im not sure why that one works...

Kristen said...

Tami, you should have tried that mushroom trick on me never know.

And I think our biggest struggle with food involves Warren...anyone know a good substitute name for FOOD?

Candace/Chloe said...

That's great, tami! What a crack up! I remember the first time Seth wasn't too sure about eating slightly wilted spinach. Once we reminded him how much Popeye loves spinach, that was all the encouragement he needed.

I love it......sauce! LOL

Tami said...

Kristen, how 'bout "boy energy" or "superhero fuel"? :)