Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Genetics in the Kitchen

So I started deep cleaning the kitchen today. I love it now that the girls are old enough to be of some real help around the house. While I cleaned out the fridge/freezer, Kora, Aubrey, and Brynna took out everything out of all the drawers and lower cabinets and vacuumed them out and wiped them down. Brynna also washed the utensil holders that always seem to double as crumb collectors. Kora and Aubrey also reorganized the utensils and the leftover container cabinet. I wish I had taken a before picture because that cabinet is usually such a jumble that at least three containers fall out onto the floor every time the door is opened. After the girls got done it looked like this.
I'm so proud! They must've received some genes from me after all!

While they were accomplishing this, I was doing one of my most hated chores: cleaning out the fridge. I took everything out of fridge and freezer, wiped out everything, washed removable shelves and drawers, washed the coil cover, vacuumed out the coils, dusted under the fridge, and threw out alot of stuff, especially in the freezer. The only thing I didn't do was label everything. ;) (Sorry, Cathi, I couldn't help it!) I didn't get a chance to dust the tops of the cabinets or to wipe out the upper cabinet interiors, but that will have to wait for another day.

I'm also using self-cleaning feature on the oven tonight. However, I'm thinking now I should have waited until after Bible study tomorrow night at our house to do this. I always forget how bad it smells. Guess I'll be lighting candles all day, praying that the house doesn't smell bad tomorrow night!

Also talked to my friend Vivian today. They will be here in just a couple of weeks! Yea!!!

1 comment:

VLS said...

You made me tired just reading about your cleaning adventures. Those poor girls! And what exactly was that line about that "they must have got some genes from you" when it came to organization??? After the nice piece you did for me on Mother's Day and now this comment??? LOL LOL Couldn't resist.