Thursday, November 22, 2007


I am thankful for so many things this year:

  • My husband who provides for us, allowing me to be a full time mommy and home maker. Who loves me and the girls, and is the leader of our home.
  • The children that God has given us, which make us laugh, bring us joy, and force us to greater maturity and patience (although that last one I have to remind myself to be thankful for :-) ).
  • Our church family with whom we are a community.
  • My family, including the grandfather I just lost. Even in the grief I was proud that they are my family. I am proud of the way my mom honored her parents in the last months of his life.
  • Kelly's family, especially the amazing recovery from breast cancer that my MIL has had this year. This was truly the grace of God in our lives.
  • I am thankful to be feeling so much better. And so far this pregnancy is easier than Lauryn's. I wasn't quite as sick, and I am not having the sciatic nerve problems so far at all.
  • I am thankful that we have a plan to address some of Kelly's health problems.
  • I am thankful for HOPE, the homeschool group that I have been a part of for so many years, that continues to be a touchstone for me.
  • I am thankful to the God that gives us not only all of the above, but every breath.

1 comment:

Granny said...

I'm thankful for you, for your testimony of God's faithfulness through thick and thin.